
Sunday, October 11, 2009

My MARC's DEALS (or should I say STEALS)?

So my husband usually laughs at me when I get all excited over the deals I get while couponing, however my Saturday trip to MARC's left him in amazement! We had a weddding to go to Saturday night and I needed nylons, a card, and some wrapping paper. I grabbed some on my "high value" coupons that had been buring a hole in my coupon sorter and headed to MARC's just in case the coupons were worth my while, and were they ever, check out what I got...
2 boxes of Kashi @ $2.98, but I used 2 - $3 coupons I got from Vocalpoint. (FREE)
Snuggle Fabric Softner @ $2.99, but I used the $3 off coupon from 9/29 RP (FREE)
Snuggle Fabric Sheets @ $3.39, but I used the $3 off coupon from 9/29 RP ($0.39)
Sara Lee Deli Meat @ $3.50, but I used the $3 off coupon from Facebook ($0.50)
That completely made my night and now I know why I do coupons, it really does work!!!

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