
Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Garden Seeds are Started

So today was such a productive day!  I got the seeds started for the garden this year.  This year's garden will include:

Cherry Tomatoes
Green Peppers
Cauliflower (NEW)
Broccoli (NEW)
Zucchini (NEW)
Cilantro (NEW)
Lettuce (NEW - will plant directly in the garden)
Carrots (NEW - will plant directly in the garden)

So we are attempting SIX new plants this year.  We will see how it goes.  We always have great sucess with our cucumbers, check them out here, as well as the peppers and tomatoes.  We have had bad luck with green beans due to the rabbits that like to have bunnies IN our garden (2 years in a row).  We also tried cantelope and watermelons last year, but for the space they take up we only got 1 - 2 per plant.  So on to better things!  I cannot wait until the garden starts producing some of our fresh veggies!  What's in your garden this year?

1 comment:

  1. Aren't those little greenhouses great! Hope you garden takes off and grows big!
