
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Menu Plan Monday – Week of 4/5/10

WOW – April already? I hope everyone had a blessed Easter and got to enjoy family, friends, and lots of really good food. I just love Holidays, I notice even more so that we have two young boys. My oldest is really beginning to understand what they are about and I love to watch the joy on his face! So back to another work week. I have some new recipes waiting in the wings and I will post them as soon as I make them up!

Monday – Tuna Noodle Casserole (recipe to follow)
Tuesday – Crock Pot Roast
Wednesday – Easy Chicken Enchiladas (recipe to follow)
Thursday – Hamburgers & French Fries
Friday – Eat Out
Saturday – Me & the hubby’s bowling night!
Sunday – Meat Manicotti (recipe to follow)

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