
Monday, August 2, 2010

Menu Plan Monday – Week of 08/02/10

I cannot believe how fast our summer is flying by, it seems like it was just June 1. On the upside, I love some traditional “winter” recipes in our house such as chili, stew, pot roast, and meatloaf. Hence is why you see meatloaf on our list this week, my husband specially asked if I could make one! If you noticed, we have reduced our eating out to only one time per week, partly to save more money and partly due to a 20 month old that does not behave well in restaurants!

Monday – Shake-n-Bake Pork Chops
Tuesday – Spaghetti
Wednesday – Steak Fajitas
Thursday – Chicken Enchiladas (recipe to follow)
Friday – Meatloaf
Saturday – Eat Out
Sunday – Steaks and Potatoes on the Grill

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