
Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Garden is Planted!

The garden is planted!  We finally had a few days without rain so my husband was able to till up the soil for me!  Normally we start plants from seeds, however with our Disney trip at the beginning of May that was not possible this year. 

My son and I headed to the garden store yesterday to pick up some plants.  We are growing an "easy" garden this year.  I only planted items that I know normally grow well in our garden.  We normally try some new things each year, but we had not had much success in the past.  Two years ago we tried watermelon and cantaloupe.  We only managed to get a few of each and it was not worth the maintenance.  Last year we tried broccoli and cauliflower, but theses never made it since we often have bunny visitors.

So this is what we are growing this year:
  1. Tomatoes - 3 plants
  2. Roma Tomatoes - 1 plant
  3. Cherry Tomatoes - 4 plants
  4. Cucumbers - 4 plants
  5. Zucchini - 4 plants
  6. Green Bell Peppers - 3 plants
  7. Jalapenos - 3 plants
We cannot wait for the veggies to begin sprouting.  I can almost taste the fresh BLT sandwiches and garden fresh salsa - our two garden favorites!

Happy Growing!

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