
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Giveaway: Win a 7 night stay in a 4 bedroom house right outside Disney’s Gates from Global Resort Homes

This giveaway is too hot not to pass on!  Couponing to Disney has an amazing giveaway! Global Resort Homes has very GENEROUSLY agreed to give ONE amazing Couponing to Disney reader a 7 night stay in one of their Global Resort Home properties. Black Out Dates do apply (you won’t be able to use the reservation between the following dates: Jun 15th-July 31st, Dec 20th – Jan 3rd). This would cut your family’s vacation budget in half or more. All you would be responsible would be your tickets, transportation and food. And with the full kitchen, you could eat almost every meal at the house!

Hurry enter before May 7th!

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