
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Week of May 2, 2011

May is finally here!  I think May is probably my favorite month of the year.  The rain should be gone, the flowers are blooming, and the grass is becoming a nice shade of dark green (thanks to my husband)!  In May, my parents will celebrate their 43rd wedding anniversary.  What a wonderful example they have set for their children and grand children.  Mother's Day is also in May which is a very special holiday we love to celebrate with all of the mother's in our family.  My oldest will be graduating from pre-school and of course Thomas the Tank Engine comes to town, an annual tradition in our house!

Hope you have a warm week and we all get to grill out, because I am tired of making the same old winter meals!  Have a great week!

Monday - Hamburgers and French Fries
Tuesday - Grilled Italian Sausage
Wednesday - Chicken Drumsticks on the grill
Thursday - Tilapia
Friday - Eat Out
Saturday - Frozen Pizza Night & a Movie
Sunday - Steaks on the Grill for Mom

This post is linked at MPM on I'm an Organizing Junkie!

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