
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am wishing everyone a healthly, happy, fun Thanksgiving day!  I hope you are able to enjoy the day with friends, family and good food!  I am thankful for the fact that my Mom's is hosting this year because our dishwasher decided to break on Tuesday!  All kidding aside, this year I am especially thankful for:

1.  Good health for my family!
2.  My amazing Father who had lost over 80 pounds!
3.  My loving, supportive, always there for me husband!
4.  My wonderful boys who are my entire world, I could not even imagine life without them!
5.  All the ways God continues to provide for my family in ways that often "sneak" up upon us!
6.  The memory making vacation we got to take to Disney World today, I still cry at the Disney commercials!
7.  Living a life I have always dreamed about, I wouldn't change a thing!

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