
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Cards

I absolutely love receiving Christmas cards this time of year.  I think it is one of my favorite parts of Christmas.  Now I am one of those gals who LOVES to get the mail.  If I am home and hear the mailman, I dart outside to get it!  You never know what surprises will be in your mailbox!

I personally open each Christmas card and become excited to see what is inside.  My absolute favorite are the photo Christmas cards.  It is so enjoyable to see children grow up, especially ones you do not see a lot.  They have a much more 'personal' feel to them and you know the senders took a lot of time to select the just perfect photo.  I know I do!

This year I received my annual Christmas card from a woman I use to work with when we first graduated college.  We have not seen each other in about 6 years, but we still send our annual Christmas cards.  I guess it had been awhile since I e-mailed here, because here she had another baby girl!  I was so excited and immediately we began chatting on e-mail again! 

We also receive cards from a few of our old neighbors.  We moved a little over 4 years ago and it is amazing how much their children have grown!  I'm sure they say the same thing about our family.  This year for my parents for Christmas, we did portraits with them and the grandchildren.  They used this photo as their card this year!

We display our photos on the door in our kitchen that leads to our basement.  It is so much fun looking at every one's card and it brings extra joy to the house.  After Christmas, I keep all the photo cards in a special box.  This is a fun way to spend a Saturday looking over previous years' cards.  The remaining cards I keep for the boys (as I do with all greeting cards).  We use these for crafts and projects through out the year!

Where do you hang your Christmas cards?

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