
Sunday, December 27, 2009

What I Learned in 2009 - Part 3 of 4

My Coupon Tricks:

1. Find an organization method that works for you. I use a baby wipe container with index cards separting the categories!
2. Clip on Sunday, organize on Monday (I organize on my lunch hour on Monday).
3. Go through and purge at the beginning on the month!
4. Find additional sources of insert coupons. My mom gives me her inserts. Believe me when there is a good sale with a coupon, you will want more than one!
5. Visit sites in which you can print, such as and
6. Only print coupons you know you will use, remember you are paying for ink!
7. Learn to stack coupons! Target accepts a Target coupon which can be found on their website as well as a mfg for the same item!
8. Follow a blog that does coupon match-ups for you at the stores you shop. I follow Money Saving Mom and Saving in Akron!
9. If there is a coupon you really like, buy more. I have used EBAY before for this!
10. Swap coupons and formula checks with friends and family or sell them yourself on EBAY!

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