
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Week of June 20, 2011

Wowsers!  This weekend went so fast I hardly had time to even think about what's for dinner this week!  I love summer, but our weekends are booked solid!  This weekend we took the kids to Touch a Truck in our local community on Friday, my oldest got to go to a baseball game with his cousins Friday night,  we went to our friend's house at the lake on Saturday and then on Sunday we went to church and out to brunch with my parents!  Luckily I snuck in a nap on Sunday afternoon! 

This is going to be a "low-key" dinner week!

Monday - hamburgers on the grill
Tuesday - Pasta salad with grilled chicken
Wednesday - Breakfast for dinner!
Thursday - Spaghetti
Friday - Fish
Saturday - Eat Out
Sunday - Family Party!

This post is linked at MPM at I'm an Organizing Junkie!

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