
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Week of October 3, 2011

Rain and more rain!  It's been a rainy week here and we have had 2 soccer games rained out and practice!  This weekend was also cold!  After we enjoyed a trip out for some ice cream Friday night, we returned home and on went the furnace!  The weather is suppose to be more seasonal this week with some sunshine, so hopefully those soccer fields can dry out and the boys will be able to finish their season!  Have a good week everyone!

Monday - Hamburgers and Oven Baked Parmesan Seasoned Fries
Tuesday - Beef Enchilada Pie
Wednesday - Frozen Pizza Night from FRESCHETTA (check out my giveaway!)
Thursday - Skillet Lasagna
Friday - Eat Out
Saturday - Date Night
Sunday - Dinner with Family

This post is linked at MPM at I'm an Organizing Junkie!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the seasoned fry link-adding it to my next menu plan! Found you via the orgjunkie link up :)
