
Thursday, January 2, 2014

12 Months to a Healthier You Challenge

I'm joining Money Saving Mom for the 12 Months to a Healthier You Challenge.  Each month we will focus on one area.

12 Months to a Healthier You Focus Areas for 2014

Here are the focus areas planned out for each month of 2014:
January: Exercise Regularly
February: Eat More Fresh Fruits & Veggies
March: Drink More Water
April: Cut Back on Sugar
May: Get More Rest
June: Create a Morning Routine
July: Read More
August: Go to Bed Earlier
September: Declutter Your Home
October: Cut Back on Caffeine
November: Keep a Gratitude Journal
December: Simplify & Say No
So for January, I need to start exercising regularly again!  I have good times and bad and lately, I have fallen off the exercise wagon.  I have all the excuses, I work full-time, I have 3 kids, I have no time!  The truth is?  I have time, I just have to give-up something else (like TV or Facebook) and jump on my treadmill.  I am committing to 30 minutes of vigorous walking at least 3 times per week!
Are you joining?

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