
Thursday, January 2, 2014

One Word

Over the last 2 days, I have seen it floating around Facebook to choose one word as a motto in 2014.  I also stumbled on a post over at Only A Breath, that also discusses this one word motto and she also gives you the ability to make your own button (see mine above?)

The word I chose for 2014 is Cherish...
... Every moment of every day

To me this means...
  • My kids are only young once, let the dishes set and play with them.
  • Take in all that God has given me and thank Him daily for it.
  • Tell my husband on a daily basis how much I love and appreciate him.
  • Take time to call my Mom and let her know just how much see means to me.
  • Take pictures of my family and look at them and organize them so that I can Cherish the moments later in life.
  • Take time for myself and Cherish the quiet and solitude.

Do you have a one word motto for 2014?

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