
Monday, October 10, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Week of October 10, 2011

We go from a cold, windy, rainy weekend last week, to a gorgeous sunny, warm weekend this week.  Nothing like unpredictable weather in this part of the country!  But then again it is October, so I will take another day anyday to wear shorts and flip flops!  It's the last week to enter my FRESCHETTA Prize Pack Giveaway to win FREE pizza!  Here's to a great week!

Monday - Hamburgers (taking advantage of the warm weather)!
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday
Wednesday - Frozen Pizza Night from FRESCHETTA (Enter to win your own frozen pizza night here!)
Thursday - Grilled Chicken and Easy Seasoned Potatoes
Friday - Meat Manicotti and garlic bread
Saturday - Eat Out
Sunday - Roast Beef and Mashed Potatoes

This post is linked at Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie!

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