
Monday, November 14, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Week of November 14, 2011

I cannot believe it is mid-November already!  We had our first snowfall on the 11th and the boys were so excited.  Too bad it melted before noon!  This past weekend also kicked off our "birthday season" as I like to call it.  My family is "BIG" in winter birthdays.  We seem to be celebrating almost every weekend from now until mid-February! 

Don't forget to enter by Renuzit giveaway, it ends November 15th!  You can win some free coupons from Renuzit air fresheners just in time for the holiday season!

Monday - Easy Chicken Enchiladas
Tuesday - Breaded Pork Chops and Crunchy Potatoes
Wednesday -Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings
Thursday - Tomato Pasta Soup with Garlic Toast
Friday - Boys Help Themselves
Saturday - Eat Out
Sunday - Turkey Roast and Mashed Potatoes

This post is linked at MPM at I'm an Organizing Junkie!

Taking 15 minutes to plan your weekly meals, makes dinnertime a whole lot smoother!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your menu plan. It's always inspiring to see what other families are eating. I pinned your tomato soup recipe. I've been really into tomato soup recently. Have a yummy week!
