
Monday, September 19, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Week of September 19, 2011

I hope everyone enjoyed their last Sunday of summer!  We had beautiful weather here and was able to enjoy homemade applesauce and apple pie for dessert.  We went apple picking at a local orchard on Saturday and managed to pick 27 lbs of apples.  I still have a lot left, so their will be more apple dishes for this week!  Enjoy your week!

Monday - Grilled Chicken and homemade slow cooker Applesauce
Tuesday - Meat Manicotti
Wednesday - Beef Tips and Noodles
Thursday - Ham and Potato Soup with Garlic Bread (let the soup season begin!)
Friday - Eat Out
Saturday - Annual Clam Bake
Sunday - Chicken Broccoli Bake

This post is linked at MPM at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

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