Friday, August 29, 2014

Sew Many Wishes!

My daughter got to try out this new design from Sew Many Wishes!  This cupcake dress has 3 different fabrics.  The top is multi-colored polka dots followed by a pink cupcake fabric, a brown cupcake fabric, and finally purple with white polka dots.  The top ties in the back with a white ribbon.

As you can see my daughter loved wearing her new cupcake dress and having Mom snap a couple of photos.  The quality at Sew Many Wishes is top notch!  I can see this dress lasting a long time in our house!

Sew Many Wishes also made a custom designed dress for my daughter's 1st birthday in 2013.  It was absolutely gorgeous and made her Hello Kitty themed party perfect!
Visit Sew Many Wishes on Etsy and Facebook and tell her Spend Less 2 Save More sent you!

First Day Back to School

Is it just me or does summer break move at lightning speed?  I remember the last day of school and all the plans we had for our LONG summer break.  Then it is August 1st, you blink and its the first day of school.  Granted, my kids did go back a few days earlier this year than normal, but really?  And of course, its like 90 degrees now (where were these temps the rest of the summer)?

This year marked another milestone, I now have two kids in school all day!  My other son started kindergarten!  A week later, it still seems odd that I have to wake both of them up and hustle them to the bus stop.  The house is A LOT quieter, however my little girl has adjusted just fine to getting all of Mom's or Dad's attention while her big brothers are off at school!

Here are some first day of school pics, I hope yours went as smoothly as ours did!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014



Kidecals personalized Waterproof Labels are great for the entire family. These personalized stickers are washing machine and dishwasher safe, making them great for clothes, water bottles and sports gear. Durable personalized labels for kids and adults of all ages. Great for school, daycare, camp, travel, and home. Better than the old iron on labels, these personalized stickers for kids are easy to apply and will stay stuck! With over 80 decal and label designs to meet trends and interests, there is a style of kids labels for everyone – even grownups!

Recently I was given the opportunity to try some Kidecals!  I ordered the Rainbow Dots with our name and address.  I chose the Mega Set which was $28 dollars and included 24 two inch labels and 48 one inch labels.  There is ALWAYS free shipping no matter how much you spend (can't beat that)! I received my order in less than a week, which was amazing customer service.  They came in a large heavy envelope so they were not folded or creased in any way!

Since it is back to school time and we all have to label everything, I used some of my labels on the kids backpacks and they stuck wonderfully.  The labels are really thick and I am fully anticipating them lasting the school year.  I will use some as return address labels and whatever else we need to label in our house.  When fall comes and I need to label coats, I will definitely be using my Kidecals because they are machine washable!

If you want to try Kidecals out, use discount code ilovelabels which will give you 15% off any Kidecals order!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Grilled Tomato Mozzarella Basil Sandwiches

If you love the flavors of fresh mozzarella, basil and tomatoes, then you will love this twist on a grilled cheese sandwich!  I was able to use fresh tomatoes and basil from my garden and it was amazing!

3-4 slices of fresh tomato
4 leaves of fresh basil
4-6 slices of fresh mozzarella cheese
2 slices Italian bread

1.  Spray nonstick skillet with cooking spray and heat on a medium-high.
2,  Butter one side of each of the slices of bread.
3.  Put one slice of bread (butter down) on the heated skillet.  Top with 1/2 of mozzarella, basil leaves, tomato, and then other 1/2 of mozzarella.  Top with other slice of bread (butter side up).
4.  When golden brown, flip sandwich to brown other side.
5.  Enjoy!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Mom and Dad Need A Vacation Too!

I know you have heard it all too often, Mom and Dad need to take time for themselves and their relationship from time to time.  The truth is though, we all get so busy being “Mom and Dad” we sometimes forget how to be “Husband and Wife”.  I’m sure everyone has experienced that awkward silence when we have nothing else to talk about except the kids! 

Within the past five years my husband and I always made time for a monthly date night in our relationship.  Actually, we forced it!  We joined a bowling league with my sister-in-law and her husband so that we were guaranteed one night out a month.  This monthly night always includes dinner and then bowling; it is a perfect opportunity to get away.  We also now have about 3 different couples we like to go out with, so we normally try and go out with one of them also once a month.

At the beginning of this year, we were looking at goals and one that I had that kept getting pushed off was for my husband and I to take a mini vacation, just the two of us.  Beside an overnight for a wedding or the kids spending the night at their grandparents, we have not taken a vacation, just the two of us, for NINE years!  Yes NINE years, this happen to coincide with right before I became pregnant with our first son.  Well, our kids are now 8, 5, and 2, I was out of excuses, and it was time to just book that vacation!

We had always intended on taking a really nice trip on our 10th wedding anniversary, however that snuck up on us one month after our 3rd child was born!  So we decided, we were finally taking our 10th anniversary trip on our 12th anniversary.  She would be 2 by then and we had willing grandparents to watch our children.  Once again, no excuses!  It was decided, we booked a vacation at an all-inclusive resort in Punta Cana, and it would be our first vacation without kids since kids!

Thoughts of spending days on the beach and at the pool laying in the sun, eating fancy dinners with only adults, sleeping in until we wanted too, quiet alone time, was all so appealing to us.  We were so excited and could not wait until the day our plane took off to our sunny destination.  Then the week before hit us like a rock, my husband suddenly had a horrible ear infection and then my daughter had one!  Was this meant to be?  I was a nervous wreck (to say the least) the day before we left!

In the end, we got on that plane and had the best 4 days of our married life.  I am so glad we took that giant leap and the next time it will be easier.  The kids were just fine; they actually had a blast with all the activities their grandparents had planned for them.  They kept them a lot busier than we would ever had!  My husband and I spent days floating in tropical pools, had our toes in the sand, and enjoyed wonderful food just the two of us.  We are so glad we took this trip and we are going to make a yearly trip for just the two of us a priority.  It does not have to be as extravagant as this one, but definitely at least three days away a year to reconnect and just be us again!

If you are having doubts about taking a trip and are out of excuses, take my advice and book it now!  It only has to be a few nights, but it will be a wonderful rejuvenation to you and your marriage.  You need it, your spouse needs it, and your family needs it.  In the end it will make you a better parent to your kids.  The best part was definitely seeing the huge smiles and great big hugs we got from our kids when we walked back in the door at the end of our trip.  They were so glad to see us and could not wait to tell us about their adventures with Grandma and Grandpa!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

2014 Goals - June Recap

Better late than never, here is my update for my 2014 through June.

I am making a real, conscious effort to set goals in 2014 and stick to them. The best way I can think of is to hold myself accountable on a monthly basis. Be sure to check back in the first of every month to see my progress as well as link up your progress.

1. Relationship with God - Do one activity a month to strengthen my relationship with God (going to mass on Sunday does not count).

I need to work on this in the upcoming months, summer should not be an excuse to take a break!

2. Relationship with my Husband - Go on one date night a month with my husband. Plan an overnight trip of at least 2 nights away to take in 2014

My husband and I did a golf date on a Sunday afternoon.  It is so nice to be back into a sport I love and able to spend some one on one time with my husband!
I'm so excited (and nervous about the kids), our anniversary weekend trip is booked for August!

3. Family Time - Do one activity as a family once a month. Take one family vacation and one long weekend getaway in 2014.

We took the kids to Niagara Falls for a long weekend.

We went to Orlando over Spring Break. 
We have another weekend getaway planned over Labor Day!

4. Relationships with my Kids - Do a one-on-one activity with each child each month (3 a month).

I took my middle son and daughter to the library this month.
I took all three kids to the playground one evening while my husband was working.

5. Declutter - sell at least 5 items per month.

I sold $28 worth of items in June 

6. Debt - Pay off Debt #1 and reduce Debt #2 by 50%

Debt #1 is paid. We are back making progress again on Debt #2, I do not think we are going to make our year end goal, but we will make significant progress this year!

7. Me Time - Say "no" to one extra commitment a month. Do an only me or "girls night" activity once a month.

I said "no" to donating items for an end of the year school party. I had donated a lot this school year and it always seems like last minute to me.

Sounds odd, but I had to take a work trip and I was able to spend a few hours on the beach by myself (heaven)!

8. Budget Buster - Keep library fines to under $5 for the entire year (this is so hard for me).

No fines this month again!  I have succeeded in zero fines for 2014!  The bad news?  The library is changing its loan period from 3 weeks to 2 weeks, I wonder how that is going to affect me!

9. Work/Life Balance - Friday at 5 pm - until Monday at 8 am - do not check work e-mails (I am off the clock).

I did an excellent job of staying off my computer in the evening and weekends.  I think this is due to the fact that we have been so busy that I just do not have time.

10. Have an online business (this idea has been in my head for over a year) fully functioning by the end of 2014. I need to take one giant step every month to achieve this goal!

This is the only goal I do not seem to make time for? Maybe its not that important to me? I need to reflect on what I truly want to do!

How are you doing on your goals thus far? Feel free to leave a comment or link up!


Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango - Review & Giveaway!

Experience the Ultra Fresh Hydration of NEW Dial Coconut Refreshing Mango Body Wash
Introducing NEW Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango body wash, the newest member of the Dial Coconut Water family.  Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango is the first of its kind to contain coconut water and refreshing mango for clean, healthy and hydrated skin.  Let the fresh hints of green coconut and tropical mango whisk your mind away to distant island shores without ever leaving the shower.
Coconut water is a leading trend known to be rich in antioxidants and electrolytes that help provide replenishing hydration.  Mango is known for being nutrient rich and adds a touch of tropical freshness.
My ideal vacation is laying on a beach smelling all the scents of the salt water, fresh air, suntan lotion, and fresh fish.  This new product from Dial definitely takes me to that type of scent experience right in my shower.  I also loves how it moisturizes my troublesome dry skin.  It also helps to hydrates my psoriasis, which I love in this product!
Want to win a bottle?  Three readers will win a coupon for a FREE bottle of Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Cedar Point!

It would not be summer in NE Ohio without a trip to the world famous Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio!  Having grown up in this area, it has always been a tradition for a yearly trip for me and my husband and we are keeping that tradition with our children.
I think my favorite part is watching our children ride the same rides we enjoyed as children.  Now I get to ride them with my kids as I had once had with my parents.  We know the park like the back of our hands which makes navigation a breeze, almost to the point where I am frustrated when we visit new amusement parks and I have to look at the map!

The shock to me this year was that the Magnum XL-200 was turning 25 years old!  I still vividly remember riding that coaster the first year it opened, how can it possibly be 25 years old?

And you cannot forget the Snoopy characters!  They are available to hug throughout the park.  Cedar Point is always clean, which is something I really appreciate in an amusement park.  Taking the kids there is an annual summer treat for our family!