Friday, February 28, 2014

2014 Goals - February Recap

Its March 1st, so that means it is time to check in on our goals for 2014. I am quite proud of my progress so far.

I am making a real, conscious effort to set goals in 2014 and stick to them. The best way I can think of is to hold myself accountable on a monthly basis. Be sure to check back in the first of every month to see my progress as well as link up your progress.

1. Relationship with God - Do one activity a month to strength my relationship with God (going to mass on Sunday does not count).
Not happy with my progress here - I always attend Sunday mass, but I want to do something extra.  I need to make a conscience effort in March!

2. Relationship with my Husband - Go on one date night a month with my husband. Plan an overnight trip of at least 2 nights away to take in 2014
We did dinner out and our Saturday night bowling league and we went our for dinner and drinks with another couple!

3. Family Time - Do one activity as a family once a month. Take one family vacation and one long weekend getaway in 2014.
We took the boys to Monster Jam!
Vacation #1 is booked for April!!!

4. Relationships with my Kids - Do a one-on-one activity with each child each month (3 a month).
I took the boys to see The Lego Movie

5. Declutter - sell at least 5 items per month.
I sold 9 items this month for a total a $55

6. Debt - Pay off Debt #1 and reduce Debt #2 by 50%
Made last payment on Debt #1 (yeah - no more car payments!) and reduced Debt #2 by 10%

7. Me Time - Say "no" to one extra commitment a month. Do an only me or "girls night" activity once a month.
I said "no" to a birthday party invite.  I had a night out with 2 dear friends from college as well as had my hair cut and highlighted
8. Budget Buster - Keep library fines to under $5 for the entire year (this is so hard for me).
No library fines this month, I am committed to checking my account online first thing Monday morning
9. Work/Life Balance - Friday at 5 pm - until Monday at 8 am - do not check work e-mails (I am off the clock).
Struggling here a bit, I still look at my iPhone too much to see e-mails, however I have not opened my laptop on the weekends

10. Have an online business (this idea has been in my head for over a year) fully functioning by the end of 2014. I need to take one giant step every month to achieve this goal!
I did not make any additional progress in February.  I am getting sidetracked with working on my blog and now I want to write an eBook.  My mind is so scattered and I need to figure out what I truly want to focus on in March!
How are you doing on your goals thus far? Feel free to leave a comment or link up!


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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

TILT – 7 Solutions To Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom – A Review & Giveaway
As a full-time working Mom of three kids, my life often feels unbalanced, unorganized, and somewhat chaotic, I’ve come to almost accept this in our day to day life.  I have long come to the realization that when the phrase is used, “you can have it all”, it is really not true at all.  Every day I need to pick and choose what I need to do and to say no to the things I know I am just not capable of doing.  I deal with a case of “Mommy Guilt” almost daily in my life.  I am on a constant mission to overcome this guilt and I was so glad I was able to read TILT by Marci Fair!

Marci Fair’s mantra in her new book is stated loud and clear “I have learned how to shape and build happy, successful children as I reach for my own dreams in my TILTed life.  Balance is impossible; memories are better.”  Previously, I have always used the term “balance” in my life; Marci’s perspective is little different with indicating that it is not about balance.  We need to accept challenges thrown at us working Moms on a daily basis and learn how to adjust our lives accordingly.  It is about making the right choices for you and your family and letting go of the wild idea that we can do it all!

I clearly remember my dreams when started my first day of college back in 1996.  I was going to graduate with a degree in Chemical Engineering, become a career-minded woman, obtain a nice, livable salary, eventually get married, have children and be a working Mom.  The good news is I have achieved all of that and more.  I ended up receiving my MBA and now have a wonder job as a Sales Manager in a Fortune 200 company.  I’ve been married for over 12 years and we have 3 wonderful children living in a somewhat state of “surviving” at this point.   At this point in my life, we are so busy with our family; I admit my dreams and goals have changed quite a bit.  I think my biggest goal in life right now is to get home by a decent hour every night and get a home cooked meal on the table.  The truth?  I am perfectly fine with this goal.  I’m at a stage of my life where I am content in my career.  It works for me and gives me the flexibility to spend time with my family.    

Even as busy working Moms we still need to have dreams and goals and encourage our kids to do the same.  They may be far off in the distance, but we should not be discouraged from dreaming big.  Perhaps it’s a short-term dream of going to Disney World or a long term dream of celebrating your 20th wedding anniversary in Tahiti (okay you know my dreams now).  Even if you are busy, don’t be afraid to dream for what the future will hold for you and your family!

The next point Marci brings out is to not be afraid to let some stuff go!  I know this is so hard for me in some ways, and others so easy.  First, I have a cleaning lady twice a month.  I know there is no way I can keep the house clean, so I allow someone else to do it.  On the other hand I still love to bake all of my kids’ birthday cakes because it is special for me and them.  We as Moms have to pick and choose what are the things most important in life to us and let the other ones go!  We all need to learn from our mistakes in life and make critical choices moving forward.

I loved the part of the book when Marci suggests, “We need to reset, or reboot, pretty often.”  Every day should be a fresh start for us working Moms.  We also need to surround ourselves by positive people in our lives.  We just do not have time to deal with negativity that comes from others and unfortunately I see a lot of this in social media.  I’m to the point where I have to ignore other people on Facebook if they are always negative.  It is just not healthy for them and certainly not healthy for me to read over and over again how terrible their life is (when really I do not think it is that bad).  Marci provides several resources to find inspiration every working mom needs:  The Internet, Positive self-talk, E-mail subscriptions for quotes, Reading, Friends and family, etc.  I personally believe in surrounding ourselves with positive people and it will definitely help us become more positive!

In order to manage the TILT in our lives, we need to make sure love is a focus in our lives.  I personally work on my relationships with my husband and children on a daily basis and have goals every month to achieve.  I need to make it a priority to tell my kids and husband that I love them several times a day.  I do not think you can ever tire of hearing that phrase.   Most importantly you need to love yourself and who you are in life.  If you are not happy with whom you are, only you can change it!  Marci gives some great tips and ideas on how to love your family, spouse and yourself in Chapter 5. 

In Chapter 6, Marci explains how to give our children Roots and Wings.  Roots are the foundations we build with them which include core values to guide their decisions.  We as parents then must give them their wings to go off by themselves and make decisions for themselves.  I believe being excellent examples as parents is the best way to instill core values into your children.  This is not to say your children will always make the right decision, it is our responsibility as parents to let them fail so that they can eventually become self-sufficient and confident in their decisions.   I’m a big proponent of choosing the right battles with my kids.  I try to let little things go and only try to jump in and correct when I feel their decision is grossly out of line with our family’s core values.  Be sure to praise your kids when they do right the make decision though!

Overall, I really enjoyed reading TILT – 7 Solutions To Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom.  It was an enjoyable read and gave me some new perspectives and new ideas to try out on my family.  I think the book is geared to all Moms, just not working Moms.  Everyone’s life is busy and hectic when you have kids; the ideas in this book can just as easily apply to working Moms and stay-at-home Moms.  If you have kids and often feel off-balance, I highly recommend picking up this book.
Visit Marci Fair's website.
Visit TILT's Facebook Page
Buy TILT on Amazon

One reader of Spend Less 2 Save More will win a Kindle edition of TILT, enter below:

  a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: I was provided a copy of TILT – 7 Solutions To Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Baked Cheesy Heart Crackers

This recipe was so easy, I almost could not believe it! 
I did these crackers in the shape of a heart for my preschooler's Valentine's Day Party!
8 oz. finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 cup of flour
1/2 tsp. salt
4 tbsp. cold butter cut into small pieces
4 tbsp. cold water
1.  Combine cheese, flour, salt, and butter.  I worked the ingredients through my fingers to really get it combined. 
2.  Using an electric mixture add cold water 1 tbsp. at a time until the dough is formed. 
3.  Form dough into ball and then split into two flat disks.  Wrap in plastic wrap and cool for 30 minutes.
4.  Heat oven to 350F.
5.  Roll out dough on a floured surface and use cookie cutters to stamp out crackers.
6.  Place cut outs on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
7.  Bake for 15 minutes.
8.  Cool on wire rack.
This recipe yielded approximately 100 heart shaped crackers (1")
Here is how the snacks looked at the party!


Sunday, February 23, 2014

It's Never Too Soon To Start Saving For Christmas!

I'm a planner, always have been, always will be! I do not like to have a month with monstrous size bills, especially January right after Christmas. A few years back, when my husband quit his job (you can read our whole journey here) to finish school and stay home with our kids, we tried to keep our monthly expenses as even as possible every month. This is when we started saving for Christmas in February! Our goal is to have all of our money saved up by November, that way we can pay cash and not have any "typical" holiday bills after the holiday!

Here are a few keys to success, to start your Christmas savings account now!
  • Pick a place to "house" your money so that you will not touch it over the course of the year. It may be a jar in your kitchen cabinet, your local bank or credit union, or an online banking institution. We have exclusively used Smarty Pig over the past several years. It allows you to set goals and see your progress to your end goal! Smarty Pig is free and pays a 1% interest rate. You can also earn more when you cash out your savings into gift cards.

  • Make the monthly contributions automatic and part of your monthly budget. It you are committing to saving $100 a month, have that money automatically withdrawn and put in your designated "savings" account. That money is off limits and for a single purpose, Christmas!

  •  Make a Christmas budget now and stick to it. Here is an example of a $1000 budget we have used in the past:
    • Our 3 kids at $200 each = $600
    • Nieces and Nephews = $100
    • Parents = $150
    • Sisters and Husbands = $100
    • Wiggle Room = $50
This comes out to $1000 for Christmas. It you start to save in February and save until November, you have 10 months to accumulate $1000.  You need to put $100 every month in your savings account.
  • The sooner you start, the easier it will be to reach your goal. We prefer to start in February, just because we have some other bills that come due in January. If you get a tax refund, make part of this refund your first deposit. If you have an extra cash at the end of another month, add it to your Christmas savings. You can accumulate your budget mount quicker, than originally thought!

The holidays can be stressful enough, make next Christmas as stress-free as possible by establishing a budget, saving the money in advance and then stick to the budget! 

Disclosure:  You can earn a $10 referral with Smarty Pig, if you would like to be referred, please send me an e-mail at!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Where does the time go?  I was reminiscing about our Disney trip in 2011 and found this picture of my boys!  They look so young!  Cannot wait for April when we are going back to Disney again!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Disney Live! Cleveland- March 9th, 2014

Disney Live! presents Mickey's Music Festival at Quicken Loans Arena, March 9th!

Mickey Mouse and friends rock the world with the stars from The Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Disney/Pixar's Toy Story in Disney Live! Mickey's Music Festival. Disney hits are remixed to the hottest sounds of today featuring hip hop, pop, swing, reggae, rock, country and much more! The irresistible lineup of performers, including Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy; Ariel, Sebastian and Ursula; Jasmine, Aladdin and Genie; and Woody, Buzz and Jessie; are among the more than 25 Disney stars featured in this jam session fit for the entire family! You can't resist dancing, singing, playing your air-guitar and laughing with this band of characters! Come join them at Disney Live! Mickey's Music Festival for a lively concert experience guaranteed to deliver enough rockin' memories to last a lifetime.

Save $4 using code: MOM4. Get Tickets Now!  Not valid on Front Row or VIP seats. No double discounts. Service charges, handling and facility fees may apply

Monster Jam at Q February 14th

My family had the opportunity to attend the Monster Jam show last night at Quicken Loans Arena in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio.  Myself and my husband went along with our two sons, ages 5 and 8.

The show started promptly at 7:30 pm and began with a lot of LOUD action.  Yes, LOUD action.  This was our first time at this type of show and my first regret was not bringing any ear protection for the kids.  When multiple trucks had their engines running it became very loud.

My boys were very attentive during the show.  The monster trucks begin with a Wheelie competition which resulted with one truck completely flipping itself over.  The Monster Trucks weigh over 10,000 pounds and stand 12 feet tall. The engine is powered using methanol fuel and has 1,500 horsepower.

Next we got to see the trucks race through the course to see who had the fastest time.  The winner last night was The Man of Steel.  After intermission for the finale, the drivers had 90-seconds to entertain the crowd with their most impressive tricks.

Overall the show was definitely entertaining for the kids, there was a lot of action and cheering!  My cautions if you decide to take the family to the event is first to bring ear protection and second the refreshments and souvenirs were quite pricey in my opinion compared to other events we have attended at The Q.  Overall my family had a very good time at the event cheering for our favorite Monster Trucks!
There is still time to catch the Advanced Auto Parts Monster Jam @ The Q Arena on 2/14-2/16. Save 25% off tickets using code: MOM25.
My family received 4 complimentary tickets to Monster Jam in exchange for my honest review.

Friday, February 14, 2014

BBQ Chicken Pizza

This is a super easy, super quick weeknight meal for us!  The kids and I love it.

1 refrigerated pizza crust
1 cup of your favorite BBQ sauce (ours is Sweet Baby Rays)
2 chicken breasts
1/2 red onion, sliced thin
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

1.  Cut chicken into chunks and sauté in pan in olive oil.  Season with salt and pepper.
2.  Spray cooking sheet with non-stick cooking spray.
3.  Roll pizza crust out on pan and then bake according to package directions.
4.  Toss chicken in BBQ sauce and spread on baked crust.
5.  Top the chicken with the sliced onion and cheese.
6.  Bake again according to package directions.


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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Peanut Butter Cereal Bars

These are fast, easy, and were a hit in my house!  Great for a quick breakfast or snack on the run.

2 cups Quick Oats
1 1/2 cup Crisp Rice Cereal
3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1.  Line a 8x8 pan with aluminum foil.
2.  In large bowl combine Quick Oats and Crisp Rice Cereal.
3.  In a microwave safe bowl, combine peanut butter, brown sugar, corn syrup, and Vanilla.  Microwave on high for 30 seconds.  Stir and then microwave for another 30 seconds and mix well.
4.  Pour peanut butter mixture over cereal and combine.
5.  Press mixture into foil-lined pan.  Allow to cool for 1 hour and then cut into bars.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

NEW Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash - A Review & Giveaway

NEW Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash gives your skin a daily boost of vitamins. The advanced formula, with a moisturizing Vitamin Complex, helps draw vitamins and moisture directly to your skin.

Some of the features I love:
  • Lotion Infused - left my dry, winter skin feeling moisturized!
  • New Vitamin Complex - I know it is a healthy choice for my skin!
Vitamin B is a natural humectant that helps draw in moisture and keep skin hydrated.  When we have been experiencing below zero temps this winter, I need all the extra moisture I can get!

I love using a body wash on a daily basis.  Just a dime size amount on my poof, is enough to cleanse my entire body.  Plus I know I can trust the Dial name to be safe and effective for everyday use! 

Three Spend Less 2 Save More users will win a coupon for a FREE bottle of Dial body wash, enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Dial brand provided me with a sample of Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash in exchange for a product review.  However, as always, all the opinions expressed here are my own.

Wordless Wednesday

My sweet, little girl is turning into such a monkey!  She climbs on tables, chairs, couches, beds, anything!  I have never experienced this before, my boys were so calm!  I have to watch her like a hawk all day long!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Transitioning to 1, to 2, and 3 Children – My Personal Experience

As a Mom of three, I always seem to get questions on how it was to transition to two or three children.  I truly believe that every family situation is different due to the dynamics of the family.  Personally, I experienced different emotions after having each of my three children.  One significant factor is the spacing of your children.  My children are spaced between almost 3 and 3 ½ years apart.

If I had to rank from how easy to hard it was to adjust to a new family member, I would rank as the easiest for me was from 1 to 2 and the hardest was from none to 1.  As a background, I have always worked full-time since graduating college until present day.  My largest struggle after having all three of my kids was having to adjust to being home every day for 12 weeks.  I am so use to getting up and going, being constantly connected via e-mail, laptop, and cell phone, and not having a lot of downtime.   Here is my story behind all three transitions:

From None to One:

Going from no children to one child was the hardest transition for me.  I was 28 when my first born came into this world.  It was a long difficult labor of over 20 hours.  I then spent over 2 hours of pushing before they have to use the vacuum to deliver him.  I was exhausted and never felt like I truly caught up on that missed sleep for about a month.  There was quite an adjustment for me and my husband since we were used to not being at home, eating out a lot, and leaving without much preparation. 

I struggled a lot early on with my son regarding breastfeeding.  I put a lot of pressure on myself that I had to breastfeed and it was not happening for us.  He was very colicky and there were days when I was not able to put him down.  When my husband came home from work, we would eat dinner and then get in the car and go for ice cream.  This is the only way I could get a break.  I also spent the nightly hours from 7 pm to 9 pm walking circles around my living room with a screaming baby.  I did not go out a lot since he was born in January and it was a very snowy, cold winter.  After my first was born, I did not want to have any other children.  I did not do well with the sleep deprivation and did not want to go through those first few months again.  Well, after about a year, I decided that I did not want to have an only child and eventually after about 2 years, I desperately wanted another child!

From One to Two:

Going from one child to two children was the easiest transition for me.  I was 31 when my second child came into this world.  My first and second sons were 35 months apart.  Before my second son was born, I had decided I was going to do a few things different than how I did it with my first since I struggled so much.  First was the breastfeeding, if he didn’t take to it, I wasn’t going to overwhelm myself with guilt.  My oldest son was a healthy, thriving 2 ½ year old who was mostly formula fed from 3 months to 12 months.  Secondly, I was not going to stay in the house every day.  I was going to ensure I got out at least once a day to get some fresh air and a new perspective (this was a challenge since #2 was due to come in December).

My deliveries with my first and second children were completely opposite experiences.  The day my 2nd child was born, I woke up with labor pains and made it through most of the morning at home.  My husband took me in at 1 pm, they broke my water, gave me my epidural and I delivered him at 4:20 pm after 20 minutes of pushing.  I felt great right after delivery, like I could go home right then!   I still remember saying to my husband, “wow that was easy”!   Immediately after I delivered #2, I knew right then and there I was not done having children.  I wanted to experience pregnancy and labor again and I wanted a third child.

I really do not remember any struggles with child #2; we got out of the house on the fairly regular basis going to story time and to the play area at the mall.  He slept really well in his car seat carrier and we called him our “mobile baby”.  He was a good sleeper and had no medical or health issues.  Easy as pie, bring on #3.

From Two to Three:

The transition from two to three had its good points and bad points.  Unfortunately, I had some other health issues going on during this transition time that it often made this change more difficult than it should have been.  It was hard to believe, but my labor and delivery with #3 was easier than with #2.  I was at 6 cm and barely in active labor.  They broke my water and I delivered within an hour later with less than 10 minutes of pushing.  The hardest part was there was no time for an epidural!  My third was born 3 ½ years after my second child.    

Having child number three was a complete joy for me for many reasons.  First is the fact that we did not find out the sex of the baby until SHE was born!  I had found out with both of my boys and this was by far the best surprise ever when the doctor told me it was a girl.  In fact, I did not believe her and she had to take the baby back from the nurses to show me again!  My baby girl was an AMAZING sleeper from the start.  Yes it is true that some babies start out by sleeping 6 hours straight.  She literally slept all day long and all night for the most part.  She almost slept too much because I was bored at home!  I told my husband I needed a hobby because I was so bored.  I had never read so much in my life than during those first 3 months.

About a month after I had her, I started having extremely bad pains in my side and up my back in the evenings.  They got so back that I could not lay flat and almost ended up in the emergency room one night.  Turns out I had gall stones and the only cure is to have my gall bladder out.  When my baby girl was 10 weeks old, I had to do outpatient surgery which left me out of commission completely for almost a week.  This was a very difficult struggle for me to get back up and on me feet again.

Along with the medical issues, I was struggling with some awful feelings like this new baby was causing me to miss out on a lot of things with my boys.  She was born in the middle of a HOT summer.  The boys got to go swimming with their Dad and play with their friends.  I was forced to miss out and stay home with the baby.  I knew I hit a wall when I was crying constantly and kept thinking how different it would be if I did not have her.  My Mom was my lifesaver.  I called her one evening hysterically crying and she made me go to my doctor the very next day.    I had developed post-partum depression and I needed treatment immediately.  Once my doctor had diagnosed me and put me on proper medication, within weeks I was feeling my old self again.  I highly encourage any new moms to seek medical help if they are just not feeling right after having a baby.  The medication made a world of difference in my life and I am forever thankful for my Mom for the encouragement she gave me!

I believe everyone’s situations are different, but I wanted to give my perspective on my transitions from none to one to two to three kids. 

How were your experiences when adding a new baby to your family?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

12 Months to a Healthier You: February’s Challenge

I am joining Money Saving Mom in 2014 on her 12 Months to a Healthier You Challenge!

Every month she is focusing on one challenge area each month — all with the goal of being in a healthier place as a person by the end of the year.  The hope is that as we work on instilling one new healthy habits each month, they won’t just be month-long challenges, but lifelong changes.

12 Months to a Healthier You Focus Areas for 2014

January: Exercise Regularly
February: Eat More Fresh Fruits & Veggies
March: Drink More Water
April: Cut Back on Sugar
May: Get More Rest
June: Create a Morning Routine
July: Read More
August: Go to Bed Earlier
September: Declutter Your Home
October: Cut Back on Caffeine
November: Keep a Gratitude Journal
December: Simplify & Say No

For January, I committed to 30 minutes of vigorous walking three times a week.   The verdict?  I did it!  Most weeks in January, I was able to walk 4 -5 times.  The best part is, I am now walking on my lunch break at work with four other ladies.  We started doing the DVD Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone.  We do the 2 mile walk and it takes us a little over 30 minutes to complete.  This also does an upper body workout using weights.  I am so excited that I am reaching my goal and that I have a great group of women to motivate me.  This habit will definitely continue in 2014!

For February, the challenge is to eat more fruits and vegetables.  To achieve this goal, I am going to pack a least one fruit and one vegetable for snacks every day at work.  This will guarantee me to eat a fruit and vegetable at least 5 times per week!

2014 Goals - January Recap

Its February 1st, so that means it is time to check in on our goals for 2014.  I am quite proud of my progress so far. 

I am making a real, conscious effort to set goals in 2014 and stick to them.  The best way I can think of is to hold myself accountable on a monthly basis.  Be sure to check back in the first of every month to see my progress as well as link up your progress. 

1.  Relationship with God - Do one activity a month to strength my relationship with God (going to mass on Sunday does not count).
I attended a weekday mass on January 28th to celebrate my sister's birthday

 2.  Relationship with my Husband - Go on one date night a month with my husband.  Plan an overnight trip of at least 2 nights away to take in 2014
We did dinner out and our Saturday night bowling league

 3.  Family Time - Do one activity as a family once a month.  Take one family vacation and one long weekend getaway in 2014.
We celebrated our son's 8th birthday and went to The Jump Yard
Vacation #1 is booked for April!!!

4.  Relationships with my Kids - Do a one-on-one activity with each child each month (3 a month).
I took each of the 3 kids on a shopping trip alone with only me

5.  Declutter - sell at least 5 items per month.
I sold 15 items this month for a total of over $60

6.  Debt - Pay off Debt #1 and reduce Debt #2 by 50%
Made a large payment on Debt #1 and reduced Debt #2 by 5%

7.  Me Time - Say "no" to one extra commitment a month.  Do an only me or "girls night" activity once a month.
I said "no" to making my son's 8th birthday cake and ordered the cake.  I had a dinner night out with work colleagues 
8.  Budget Buster - Keep library fines to under $5 for the entire year (this is so hard for me).
No library fines this month, I am committed to checking my account online first thing Monday morning
9.  Work/Life Balance - Friday at 5 pm - until Monday at 8 am - do not check work e-mails (I am off the clock).
Struggling here a bit, I still look at my iPhone too much to see e-mails, however I have not opened my laptop on the weekends

 10.  Have an online business (this idea has been in my head for over a year) fully functioning by the end of 2014.  I need to take one giant step every month to achieve this goal!
I started writing my business plan and have a pretty good outline thus far
How are you doing on your goals thus far?  Feel free to leave a comment or link up!

Good Luck!

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